Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Counseling Services: Sexual Assault

The topic of sexual assault is a touchy subject but it still needs to be talked about, too many women and sometimes men are taken advantage of. Being a peer educator sometimes we are faced with issues that we can not help with and that we need to direct to the counseling services on campus, two ladies came and talked to our class about ways to help and provided us with staggering statistics and facts about sexual assault. 
-The most vulnerable class of women on a college campus are freshman. 
-In the state Kansas, if someone is intoxicated it is deemed he/she cannot legally give consent for sexual relations. 
-Women whose partners abuse alcohol are over 3.6 times more likely than other women to be assaulted by their partners.
-In 2002, more than 70,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 were victims of sexual.
-Between 62% and 84% of survivors knew their attacker. 
-In a study by U.S Centers for Disease Control of 5,000 college students at over 100 college, 20% of women and 4% of men answered "yes" to the question: "In your lifetime, have you been forced to submit to sexual intercourse against your will"? 
-Washburn's Counseling Services' office may see 1 to 3 women each academic year that report she believe she was given a date rape drug.


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